Totems of the Chu people.
Notice the long tongue and the shape of the eyes and mouth.

Hubei sheng wenwu kaogu yanjiusuo: Jiangling Wangshan Shazhong Chumu, plate 80. Changsha Chu minzu ji qi yishu. Vol 2. Meishu Kaogu Xueshe, 1950.
xHubei sheng wenwu kaogu yanjiusuo: Jiangling Wangshan Shazhong Chumu, plate 35.


Henan sheng wenwu kaogu yanjiusuo bianzhu: Xincai Geling Chumu, p. 35.
John Hay: Det Gamle Kina. Det Schønbergske Forlag. København 1978. Not really a valid reference, but I can't find the original source and the picture is too good to leave out. Hubei sheng Jingzhou bowuguan: Jingzhou Tianxingguan er hao Chumu, plate LXXV
Hubei sheng Jingzhou bowuguan: Jingzhou Tianxingguan er hao Chumu, p. 191. Hubei sheng wenwu kaogu yanjiusuo: Jiangling Wangshan Shazhong Chumu, p. 151.

Hubei sheng wenwu kaogu yanjiusuo: Jiangling Wangshan Shazhong Chumu, plate 35.

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