Southern Song Dynasty
A.d. 1127-1279 Info

Emperor Kao Zong. 1127-1162.

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Schjöth 674v. Jian Yan Zhong Bao.

Schjöth 684. Shao Xing Yuan Bao.

Schjöth 688. Shao Xing Yuan Bao.

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Schjöth 689. Shao Xing Yuan Bao.

Schjöth 690. Shao Xing Yuan Bao.

Emperor Xiao Zong. 1163-1189.
Emperor Xiao Zong began to mark the year of issue on the reverse of the coins. The numeral indicates which year of the reign title the coin was issued. Yuan the first, er the second and so on.
This practice was followed on most coins during the rest of the dynasty (D. Ren p. 75, 83).

Ding 1174. Long Xing Yuan Bao. 

Schjöth 712v Ding 1189. Qian Dao Yuan Bao. Iron. Reverse tong. Tongan mint.

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Schjöth 732v. Chun Xi Yuan Bao. Reverse "ba".

Schjöth 733. Chun Xi Yuan Bao. Reverse 9.

Schjöth 734. Chun Xi Yuan Bao. Reverse 10.

Schjöth 735. Chun Xi Yuan Bao. Reverse 11.

Schjöth 738. Chun Xi Yuan Bao. Reverse 14.

Schjöth 740. Chun Xi Yuan Bao. Reverse 16.

Schjöth 741. Chun Xi Yuan Bao.

Emperor Guang Zong. 1190-1194.

Schjöth 768. Shao Xi Yuan Bao. Reverse 3.

Shao Xi Tong Bao. One qian. Reverse chun  and san. Iron. Qichun mint.

Ding 1241 Schjöth 782. Shao Xi Tong Bao. Two qian.
Reverse chun  and san. Qichun mint. Iron.

Emperor Ning Zong. 1195-1224.

Ding 1252. Iron. Qing Yuan Tong Bao. Reverse Chun and yuan. Qichun mint, yuan indicating 
the first year of this reign title: 1195.

Ding 1253. Iron. Qing Yuan Tong Bao. Reverse Chun and er. Qichun mint, er indicating 
the second year of this reign title: 1196.

Schjöth 805. Ding 1255. Iron. Qing Yuan Tong Bao. Reverse Chun and san. Qichun mint,  
indicating the third year of this reign title: 1197.

Ding 1262v. Iron. Qing Yuan Tong Bao. Reverse tong and wu. Tongan mint wu indicating 
the fifth year of this reign title: 1199.

Schjöth 817v Ding 1279. Qing Yuan Tong Bao. Iron. Value 3. 
Han and yuan on reverse. Hanyang mint. Yuan is indicating the first year of this reign title: 1195.

Schjöth 835. Jia Tai Tong Bao.

Schjöth 871 Ding 1342. Kai Xi Tong Bao. Iron. Reverse han and san (3). Hanyang mint.

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Schjöth 895v. Jia Ding Tong Bao.

Ding 1450. Sheng Song Zhong Bao. Iron. Reverse upper li yi below wu .

Emperor Li Zong. 1225-1264.

Ding 1451. Bao Qing Yuan Bao. Reverse crescent. Iron. Hanyang mint.

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Schjöth 961v (smaller) Ding 1457. Da Song Yuan Bao. Reverse 2.

Ding 1482. Shao Ding Tong Bao. Iron. Reverse Chun for Qichun mint and yuan for first year.

Schjöth 983. Duan Ping Tong Bao.

Ding 1503v. Duan Ping Tong Bao. Reverse wu hui and xia dong . Iron.

Ding 1506. Ding Jia Xi Tong Bao. Reverse er (two).

Ding 1541. Chun You Yuan Bao. Value two. Reverse shiyi (thirteen).

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Schjöth 1026.  Huang Song Yuan Bao. Reverse 3.

Schjöth 1027.  Huang Song Yuan Bao. Reverse 4.

Ding 1572. Kai Qing Tong Bao. Reverse Yuan (first year).

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Schjöth 1042v. Jing Ding Yuan Bao. Reverse "Yuan" first year.

Emperor Du Zong. 1265-1274.

Schjöth 1049 Ding 1583. Xian Chun Yuan Bao. 
The reverse is unreadable

Emperor Gong Di. 1275. (Issued no coins)

Emperor Duan Zong. 1276-1277. (Issued no coins)

Emperor Di Bing. 1278-1279. (Issued no coins)

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